Biblical Articles


Further your understanding and learn more about Biblical events, passages of times, and the meanings behind God’s Words, and how they correlate to the Biblical Calendar. Don Roth, a dedicated Biblical Researcher, has written thorough, extensive articles about Biblical events that play an important role in God’s Calendar, and in the meaning of life itself. His “Noah’s Flood and God’s Calendar” is a crucial article and source of information for better understanding of his Biblical Calendar Proof. “The Ten Virgins and Christ’s Return" is a very informative article referencing many parts of the Bible correlating with God’s plan and His ultimate power and control and giving reasons for the decisions He, and only He, will make. Read these articles to broaden your knowledge and understanding, and contact Don Roth with any questions or for more information.


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The authenticity of the Bible has been debated by man throughout the centuries.  Were the words in the Bible written by falli

Most people do not consider the Bible a time sensitive book. In reality it stands on an accurate passage of time; but it is much different than the calendar in use today, the Gregorian calendar. Herein lays a problem. This is because the English translation of the Bible uses the terms “years” and “months.” These terms are equated to how time is defined today. God uses a different system and for the majority of people this is why. Including accepted scholars of the Bible they do not know how the Bible tracks time.
The Bible mentions FEAR in some context over five-hundred times, proving the power this emotion has  over man. However, when FEAR is written relating to God, the meaning is not our typical definition of  being afraid. The book of Job explains the FEAR of God perfectly.
Does Satan have any power; can he cause storms or earthquakes? The good news is that he has no power to cause any physical damage to the earth or people who live on it. Then where does his power lie? It is in his ability to communicate to get humans to walk contrary to God’s word as shown in Ephesians 2:1-2: 1 And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2 in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience.
The Gregorian calendar was created to correct the errors of the Julian calendar, in use at that time. The Gregorian calendar was figured at the starting year of 1582 AD, resulting in its leap year being shifted by 2 years from the solar calendar. In the Gregorian system the leap year is not taken 3 times in 400 years, giving an adjustment every 133.3 years vs. the adjustment in the solar calendar of 128 years.

Which calendar is more accurate for 30 AD? Is it the Gregorian or the Julian?

Please consider the following example of a train station. In the station there is an old clock that no one bothers to clean.  As a result of not being cleaned it is losing time, and at this point it is five hours slow.

John 2:20 is a proof scripture for establishing Christ’s baptism, as well as the establishing the year of His crucifixion.

To make this determination it is necessary to know the length of His ministry, which is found in Dan. 9:27.

The Bible is the most published, read and least understood book in the world.  The word “least” correctly defines man’s present perception of this most important book.  The words least understood means that of the millions of books written, there is not one that presents itself as more of a mystery. Hidden within its pages is the answer to why man exists and his astonishing future.

The Bible is the most published, read, and least understood book in the world.  The word “least,” correctly defines man’s present perception of this most important book.  The words least understood mean that of the millions of books written there is not one book that presents more of a mystery.  Not a single book presents more of a mystery than the Bible.

In Matthew 19, verses 11 and 12, Christ addresses this subject. “But He said to them, ‘All cannot accept this saying, but only those to whom it has been given: For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven‘s sake.’”

The book of Jeremiah gives three dates to consider. In Jeremiah 1:2 we read, “to whom the word of the LORD came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign.”

Among the many groups that have come out of the WCG there are some who put an over emphasis on certain scriptures. Each group brings to light the niche scriptures they want to emphasize – an exclusiveness that will set them apart from all the other groups.

One scripture being used in this way is Matt. 24:24. “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; in so much that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

NKJV in “bolded italics;” [Scripture words in brackets added by Bible translators].

[Underlining is my emphasis.]

In today’s society the news of the day revolves around a plethora of bribery, extortion, muggings, rapes and murders. While the news of a story about of a good deed is seldom reported the person involved would be called a Good Samaritan. This shows that there is a universal knowledge about a dramatic story that was used by Christ to make a point.

Reading and understanding this information will open your eyes to the prophetic meaning of the important days revealed in the books of Daniel and Revelation. 

To determine the years that Jacob spent in Padan-Aram a time marker is needed; such as the birth and death dates of one of his sons.  That son is Joseph.

The bible does not directly record the year of Joseph’s birth, but it does reveal it through the use of several pertinent scriptures. These scriptures must be assembled in time order, and are as follows:  Genesis 41:46-47.  Joseph was 30 years old when he gave the Pharaoh the meaning of his dream at the beginning of the seven years of plenty.

The importance of the Wave Sheaf Offering to the called out ones of the Father is more than significant. It is fundamental to our salvation.

Understanding the difference between God’s sacred calendar year (the solar year,) and the Gregorian year (present day calendar,) is an important distinction for correctly tracking time. Both God’s sacred year and the solar year begin in the spring as God points out to Moses in Exodus 12:1-2. “Now the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying ‘This month shall be your beginning month; it shall be the first month of the year to you.’”

The story of Jonah as portrayed in the Bible is looked on with a skeptical eye by most scholars of today. They think it is a collection of myths, put into a story that found its way into the Bible. Modern scholars are not the only ones to hold this belief.

Josephus, in his writing, expresses the same skepticism when making his concluding statement about the book of Jonah. “I have given this account of him as I have found it written.”  Josephus is saying that he cannot attest to the viability of the story; he just reports what is written.  

There are two biblical facts showing the start of the year is in the spring.  In Genesis 1:14-17 God gives the purpose of His heavenly orbs that were set to keep track of time.  Verse 17 reveals that He set them in their starting positions, like setting a clock to the right time.  Setting the heavenly clock accounted for the first day of creation, meaning that the sun and the moon would have to have the starting point to be the first day of the seven day week, (a Sunday).

There are few of the professing Christian churches that understand the significance of this important offering of the Old Testament, called the Wave Sheaf.  This writing will reveal the true importance to the New Testament church; those called of the Father, and will resolve the difficulties and misunderstanding of the first time the Wave Sheaf was carried out.

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Many times when reading a Bible scripture—God’s Word, a statement seems so clear and positive that there could be no further discussion as to its meaning. In a recent conversation it was pointed out that a basic tenant of the New Testament is that the Father was choosing the Bride of Christ; that it is the Father who determines who the bride is to be, and who will be invited as guests to the wedding. This makes the Father’s decision an eternal life and death judgment concerning those individuals.