Biblical Timeline Chart FULL
View the full timeline to see significant dates and events from Genesis to 70AD!
View the full timeline to see significant dates and events from Genesis to 70AD!
There are two biblical facts showing the start of the year is in the spring. In Genesis 1:14-17 God gives the purpose of His heavenly orbs that were set to keep track of time. Verse 17 reveals that He set them in their starting positions, like setting a clock to the right time. Setting the heavenly clock accounted for the first day of creation, meaning that the sun and the moon would have to have the starting point to be the first day of the seven day week, (a Sunday).
In light of the recent unprecedented floods in the Midwestern United States, I decided to review the account of Noah’s flood in Genesis 7 and 8. This study resulted in bringing to my attention the very detailed recording of the passage of time as the events of the Flood took place. These events are given to us as inspired by Christ—the Word—in a chronology of days and months through which God reveals a system for measuring time that parallels the present calculations of the Hebrew Calendar.