The authenticity of the Bible has been debated by man throughout the centuries.  Were the words in the Bible written by fallible men?  Or are they just stories that have been passed down through generations? Is the Bible actually the Word of God?

Introduction to Biblical Time

Most people do not consider the Bible a time sensitive book. In reality it stands on an accurate passage of time; but it is much different than the calendar in use today, the Gregorian calendar. Herein lays a problem. This is because the English translation of the Bible uses the terms “years” and “months.” These terms are equated to how time is defined today. God uses a different system and for the majority of people this is why. Including accepted scholars of the Bible they do not know how the Bible tracks time.

The Word That Controls Everyone

The Bible mentions FEAR in some context over five-hundred times, proving the power this emotion has  over man. However, when FEAR is written relating to God, the meaning is not our typical definition of  being afraid. The book of Job explains the FEAR of God perfectly.

Final Power of Satan

Does Satan have any power; can he cause storms or earthquakes? The good news is that he has no power to cause any physical damage to the earth or people who live on it. Then where does his power lie? It is in his ability to communicate to get humans to walk contrary to God’s word as shown in Ephesians 2:1-2: 1 And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2 in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience.


The Gregorian calendar was created to correct the errors of the Julian calendar, in use at that time. The Gregorian calendar was figured at the starting year of 1582 AD, resulting in its leap year being shifted by 2 years from the solar calendar. In the Gregorian system the leap year is not taken 3 times in 400 years, giving an adjustment every 133.3 years vs. the adjustment in the solar calendar of 128 years.